Truscott Street Public School

Quod Potui Perfeci

Telephone02 9878 1264

Learning support

At Truscott Street Public School we have two multi-categorical (MC) classes that cater for students with Autism and intellectual disabilities, and one class that supports students with physical disabilities. These small classes are provided with access to the NSW curriculum in small classes, with experienced, dedicated teachers and full time School Learning Support Offices (SLSOs).

Each student works with an individual program that is developed to meet the needs of each child in consultation with parents and other therapists, if relevant. Each program to enables them to reach their full potential in all areas. Students are supported intellectually, emotionally and physically in all areas.

Features of our program

  • Enrolment from Kindergarten up to Year 6 in an inclusive school
  • A caring and happy learning environment to maximise learning and positive self esteem
  • Access to Itinerant Support Teachers for Hearing and Vision
  • An expert School Counsellor to advise on the specific needs of each child
  • Appropriate integration into mainstream classes for students - from social interaction to inclusion   in academic areas
  • Representation on the Student Council
  • Air conditioned classrooms and easy access throughout the whole school
  • Excursions, annual school camps and overnight excursions with the mainstream classes
  • Mainstream Buddy Class for special events
  • Inclusion in the school choir and dance group when appropriate
  • Inter-school athletics and swimming carnivals with other units and special schools
  • Liberty swing in a pleasant play area
  • Hydrotherapy - weekly at Allambie Pool
  • Sailing for the disabled
  • Optional Physiotherapy Program
  • G.O.A.L – a volunteer play program during lunch playtime
  • OOSH - before and after school care

Special friends

In 2009, Year 6 developed a project with the support unit called The Special Friends. The project was developed as part of Ryde Council's Children's Conference, held at Macquarie University in May. The motto of the conference was think, help and encourageIn developing their project, Year 6 had to think about a need in the school.

They identified the students from the support unit as needing extra help when playing at lunch times. Next, Year 6 considered how they could help to fill this need. They decided to play in pairs with a buddy from the Support Unit for one half-lunch period each week. Finally, they hoped to encourage the students from the Support Unit to try new toys and games, and encourage other students in the school to volunteer their time to help those in need.

Year 6 created a video presentation summarising their project and presented it to schools from the Ryde area at the Children's Conference. Students from both the Support Unit and Year 6 benefited greatly from The Special Friends project. It was successful in allowing Year 6 students to appreciate the value of helping others in need, and students from the Support Unit were given the opportunity to engage in activities in which they would otherwise be unable to participate.

Students developed a close bond with their buddies and enjoyed the project immensely. As a result, implementation of The Special Friends project continues today.