Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
The study of science and technology develops the building blocks of inquiry and students’ abilities to solve problems. Students are provided with opportunities to develop understanding through trialling, testing and refining ideas.
Students studying science and technology are encouraged to question and seek solutions to problems through collaboration, investigation, critical thinking and creative problem-solving. The application of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production skills enables students to develop a sense of accomplishment and enhance their skills in inquiry and manipulating tools and materials to produce solutions. These skills are important in preparing students to succeed in a rapidly developing technological world.
At Truscott Street Public School, learning opportunities are presented using the ‘STEM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) model. Students develop their technology capability as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively in all learning areas at school, and in their lives beyond school.
Science Week
Students at Truscott Street Public School engage in a variety of learning opportunities to celebrate Science Week in Term 3. During the ‘even years’, all students take part in our biannual Science Day. Truscott Street Public School is fortunate enough to have a number of parents with science expertise. These parents generously coordinate engaging activities for the whole school to participate in as a part of the Science Week celebrations.
In 2019, our students are instead participating in the ‘Neural Knitworks’ initiative. This program encourages students to develop an understanding of their brain by knitting and crafting various neurons. These creations will be displayed as a whole school art installation.
Neural Knitworks

Wait a second… What is a Neural Knitwork?
Neural Knitworks is an original project from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. The initiative is based around the idea that yarn craft, with its mental challenges, social connection and mindfulness, can help keep brains and minds sharp, engaged and healthy. People of all ages and walks of life are encouraged to knit and knot yarn, fabric and other materials to create ‘neurons’. These individual neurons are then connected to one another to create a ‘network’ or ‘community nervous system’.
Truscott Street’s Neural Knitwork
Students began crafting and knitting their neurons towards the end of Term 2. Parents, teachers and caregivers consistently donated wool, material, buttons and pipe-cleaners to the Library, where Mrs Hills and Miss Borg were able to set up lunchtime sessions for everyone to contribute their time and effort to the science artwork. This continued up until Term 3 Week 4.
From Tuesday to Friday of National Science Week (13th-16th August), teachers and students collaboratively planned and assembled the ‘Neural Knitwork’ in the stairwell foyer. Over 130 neurons make up the Knitwork; and that’s not including all the extra finger-knitting, stitching and winding that went into the final piece!
Watch our time lapse video