Truscott Street Public School

Quod Potui Perfeci

Telephone02 9878 1264

Religion and ethics

NSW schools offer special religious education (SRE) and special education in ethics (SEE). These classes are delivered by volunteers, from organisations approved by the Department of Education. Volunteers undergo a police background check, a ‘Working with Children Check’ and have been trained by their respective organisations.

Our classes are held on Thursdays in two sessions:

·         Years 3-6 attend from 12.20pm to 12.50pm

·         Years K-2 attend from 12.50pm to 1.20pm

At Truscott Street Public School, the following SRE and SEE classes are offered in 2024. For more information about each provider’s programs, please visit their websites using the links below.

·         Catholic SRE, provided by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney:

·         Protestant SRE, provided by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney: , and the Uniting Church in Australia:

-         Jewish SRE, provided by the NSW Board of Jewish Education:  Home - BJE

·         Special education in ethics (SEE) is offered as a secular alternative to religious education. It is a program in ethical decision making, action and reflection within a secular framework provided by Primary Ethics. This program is provided by Primary Ethics:

For more information about religion and ethics in NSW public schools, please visit the DET Religion and ethics website.