Truscott Street Public School

Quod Potui Perfeci

Telephone02 9878 1264

Truscott Street Public School Band and Music Programs

‘To support our children’s musical development and provide an inclusive musical community’

The Truscott Street Public School Bands and Music Ensembles are co-ordinated by a committee of volunteer parents from the school.

Band Co-ordinator: Mary-Ellen Rogers
Instrument Hire Co-ordinator:  
P&C contact and tutor liaison:  
Band volunteer:  


The Band Co-ordinator and Committee have organised Agreements with and on behalf of Parents/Carers with the Tutors to teach, conduct and oversee our Band and Music Ensembles. With the support of the Principal, the school provides the rooms for private tutors to teach the students.

We encourage parents of children in the band and music ensembles to attend rehearsals and lessons wherever possible, or at least one per term. This gives parents the opportunity to see what goes on and communicate in person with the tutors and conductors.

Our current tutors are:

·         Hayden Dalton

·         Ben Curdie

·         Sam Begg

·         Payge Eminovski

·         Lillian Burke

·         Sam Dong

All tutoring takes place before and after school hours Monday-Wednesday.

Instrument hire

Some instruments can be hired the P&C at a cost of $50 per term. Instruments include flutes, clarinets, trumpets, alto and tenor saxophones, trombones and baritones.

An Instrument Care Agreement must be signed by the hiring Parent or Guardian and the child themselves each year of the hire.

This agreement includes information on your responsibilities in relation to cleaning and care of the instrument including approximate replacement costs for loss or damage (other than normal wear and tear).

Hired instruments will be serviced annually by the P&C, any other service will be the responsibility of the parent/carer.

If any problem arises between servicing please refer the instrument to your child’s music tutor then, if not resolved, onto the Instrument Hire Co-ordinator.

We also encourage parents to look for second hand instruments to purchase, many music stores sell these. Another option is hiring to buy, Mall Music (Macquarie Centre), Sydney Band Instruments (Gladesville), Turramurra Music and The Guitar Factory (Gladesville) are a few to recommend.

If you are interested in hiring an instrument for your child, please contact us at and the Instrument Hire Coordinator will respond.

How to join Band or a Music ensemble

Should you wish to enrol your child in music lessons, Band, Percussion or Guitar Ensemble, please contact and we will forward your details to the appropriate Conductor.

If your child wishes to join the Band or an Ensemble, they must be receiving private lessons for their instrument (except Group 2 percussion ensemble). We have Tutors that teach at the school Mon-Wed before and after school. However, if your child already has a music tutor or there is not one available at the school, they are still welcome to join a Band or Ensemble, as long as our Conductors are able to make contact with the tutor to ensure that the student is learning the correct material.

Becoming a member of a music ensemble or band comes with certain responsibilities. The most important is a commitment to attend rehearsals regularly and on time. Please see the “Code of Conduct for Band & Ensemble Members” that students and parents are required to sign.

Blow test (currently on hold due to COVID)

Each year TSPS holds a ‘blow test’ for all students in Year 2 to see if they are interested in playing an instrument. This is usually held towards the end of term 3 and conducted by Tutors, class teachers, some band committee parents and students currently in the band. Parents are then sent a letter advising them which instrument may suit their child along with information regarding joining a music ensemble or band. A notice will go in the school newsletter when a date is set for the blow test.

This is only guide and if you and your child have an instrument already selected or want to start learning an instrument throughout the year and are wanting to join lessons and/or an ensemble, please just email the band committee.